Medius started in 2019. Currently, we are operating the design studio "Orbit" starting with the media business, and are preparing to launch it for various services in the future. We believe in the value of being together, and we hope that our services will serve many people.
Medius started in 2019. Currently, we are operating the design studio "Orbit" starting with the media business, and are preparing to launch it for various services in the future. We believe in the value of being together, and we hope that our services will serve many people.
Studio Orbit
We create a variety of services, create content, and quickly apply trends to provide what the public needs.
미디어스는 함께라는 가치를 알고있습니다. 그렇기때문에 도전은 우리에겐 비전입니다. 함께하는 다양한 도전, 다양함을 아우르는 대담함. 그것이 우리의 이유입니다.
We know the value of being together. Therefore, various challenges and attempts are a vision for us. The boldness to contain the various challenges and diversity that we share. That's why we exist.
We made a keyword that contains the values of Medius. The image for each keyword is a visual design asset of Medius.
지속적으로 서비스를 찾아다니고, 다양한 시도와 도전 정신을 가졌습니다. 우리의 다양함 속에는 많은 의미를 내포하고 있습니다. 다양한 시도와 도전정신을 담은 열정, 고객과 트렌드함을 잃지 않고 배워나가는 배움, 브랜드가 가져야 하는 차별성, 고객에게 필요한 것을 발굴하고 열린 마음을 향한 다양함 그리고 그 모든것을 담아낼 우리의 포부를 담은 대담함, 이 대담함은 우리의 열정이자, 미디어스 그 자체입니다.
Medius started in 2019. Currently, we are operating the design studio "Orbit" starting with the media business, and are preparing to launch it for various services in the future. We believe in the value of being together, and we hope that our services will serve many people.
Medius Keyword
Medius started in 2019. Currently, we are operating the design studio "Orbit" starting with the media business, and are preparing to launch it for various services in the future. We believe in the value of being together, and we hope that our services will serve many people.